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- Question 1. Can Kangen Water® be used to take medication?
Kangen Water® is intended for everyday drinking and cooking rather than for drinking with medication. The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare gives the following directions:
1. Do not take medication with machine-produced water.
2. Do not drink machine-produced water if you have anaciditas 1
3. Seek help from a doctor or pharmacist if you feel an abnormality in the body, or continued intake does not appear to improve symptoms. This is because the effectiveness of medication using Kangen Water® has not yet been tested. The pH level of stomach acids is about 1.8pH, and medication is prescribed in accordance to this pH level in order for it to take effect past the stomach. Therefore, to ensure full effect of the medication, we recommend leaving some time between taking the medication and drinking Kangen Water®.
- Question 2. What are the benefits of consuming Kangen Water®?
Although Kangen Water® has been recognized as being beneficial for the stomach and intestines, depending on how it is consumed, and on the individual's physical state, it is possible (although uncommon) to experience constipation or diarrhea a few days to a few weeks after first starting to drink it. In herbal terms this is known as the Mengen effect1. The two conditions are particularly similar in that both cases, the remedy is so effective that it has a negative effect. If this occurs, the amount of intake should be reduced to half or a fourth of the previous amount until symptoms clear. Once symptoms have subsided, it is okay to resume intake. However, increasing the amount of intake will not alleviate the symptoms. Since halting intake completely may also affect the body, it is best to continue intake, but in lesser amounts. If there are no signs of improvement, please consult a doctor or pharmacist.
- Question 3. What is beauty water (acidic water) and strong acidic water?
Acidic water has a pH of around 5.5-6.5 and strong acidic water has a pH of lower than 2.7. The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has certified acidic water as an astringent1. Since strong acidic water or "hypochlorous acid water" is known to have bactericidal effects, we have been applying for certification from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. Strong acidic water was certified as a food additive in Japan in June 2002.
- Question 4 How do I use Kangen Water® for beauty care?
Because winter air is extremely cold and dry, skin care is especially important during this time. Without taking care of your skin properly, you will suffer from dry and rough skin. Bodily fluids play an important role in maintaining your body temperature and the health of your skin. Drinking alkaline Kangen Water can help maintain glowing, smooth skin. Since it is important to maintain your skin's pH level between 5.0 and 6.0, we recommend spraying acidic water1 on your skin at regular intervals throughout the day. During the winter, bathing in acidic water can help preserve the moisture of your skin. We also recommend that you eat foods and fruits that include high levels of vitamin C, A and E. Treating your skin with beauty water will let you enjoy life even more by giving you smooth and youthful skin.
- Question 5. What is the proper method of strong Kangen Water®/strong acidic water, and how long do they last?
Among the five types of water produced by LeveLuk, the two types for drinking (purified water/Kangen Water®) must be used fresh. Please keep these two types of water in the refrigerator for no more than 4-5 days and replace the water in your take-out bottle everyday. For water used for domestic purposes, including acidic water, strong acidic water and strong Kangen Water®, less care is required, but we recommend changing your supply once a week. To store, please place the water in a lightproof container1, fill it to the very top to avoid unnecessary contact with air, and store it in a cool, dark place (the refrigerator is ideal).
- Question 6. How should I consume Kangen Water® in order to improve my health?
People need to drink more than 0.7 gallons of water a day in order to live. The large intestine absorbs water supplied by liquids and moisture in foods consumed. To maximize the health benefits gained from drinking Kangen Water®, drink more than 0.5gallons throughout the day in small portions, without boiling it. The most effective way is to drink over 0.15gallons of Kangen Water® first thing in the morning prior to breakfast. Not only does the first drink in the morning replenish the water lost during the night through breathing and sweating, but the power of Kangen Water®can speed up your metabolism1, improving your health, alleviating constipation, fatigue and even a hangover. Please consult a doctor or pharmacist before using if you are receiving medical treatment or notice any abnormalities in your health.
- Question 7. What is the proper amount/method of drinking Kangen Water®?
There are no set rules regarding how to drink Kangen Water® or how much to consume, but most people use one of two main methods. The first is for people who are healthy and have a structured lifestyle and steady daily schedule. Such individuals can drink Kangen Water® any way they want.
The second way is for individuals who are trying to benefit from the four effects of Kangen Water® (recognized by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare) to improve medical conditions. In this case, it is best to drink small amounts (1/4 of a cup) every 30-40 minutes. Individuals who drink a cup of freshly made Kangen Water® in the morning, and just before bed are less likely to suffer from the rebound phenomena1. You can only expect to enjoy the benefits recognized by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare if you consume the water in the correct manner.
Question 8. How do we begin drinking Kangen Water®?
It is most common to begin by setting a low pH1 level (between pH8 and pH9.0), and gradually increasing the amount of intake. After continuing regular intake for about two weeks, gradually adjust the pH level and amount of intake (between pH9.0-pH9.5) based on your bodily needs and physical condition. The Kangen Water® should be as fresh as possible.
For children or seniors, set the pH level at an even lower level upon starting, and gradually increase it as the body adjusts to the current pH level.
In the case of infants (until about a year old), since breast milk or milk is the only thing they consume, the intestinal movement is generally different from adults, and the use of Kangen Water® is not encouraged until the infant begins to consume more sophisticated foods. In any case, Kangen Water® should not be used to make powdered milk for infants.